Weather in the foothills

…Bring May Flowers

The last of the April showers have been ushered out of the Foothills by south- and northwest winds. We have been left with gardens blooming with May flowers, mountains covered with emerging patches of green velvet, and the scent of roses, jasmine and citrus blossoms in the air. While Southern California receives the bulk of its precipitation in the months of November through April, the rain season doesn’t turn off like a switch on May 1. Past weather data shows there can several more inches in May and June. A contributing factor to this would be the lingering presence, although weakening, of El Nino. The upcoming days will be sunny with mild temperatures in the 70s. Nighttime lows will be in the low 50s.
This time of year has been recognized as far back as Roman times. It’s a celebration of Spring! The weather is becoming warmer and  new life is emerging. In medieval England people would celebrate by going out into the country and gather greenery and flowers. They referred to this as “going a-maying” or “bringing in the may.” Even to this day I remember in elementary school making May Day baskets and filling them with flowers from our gardens. These baskets were placed on neighbor’s doorsteps as a surprise. I think this tradition needs to be brought back! What do you think? Enjoy this beautiful weather!
Sue Kilpatrick is a longtime CV resident and amateur weather watcher. You can reach her at