Only in the Crescenta Valley –

What is more fun for a 5-year-old than a trip to Disneyland? It is having a visit from the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station at your birthday party! Our grandson, Peter Badigue, for his fifth birthday party, held at Hello Pizza, received a visit from Community Relations Deputy Alex Covian and station volunteer Bob Keiter. After Peter met his new buddy, Deputy Alex, he was given a tour of a patrol car, even getting a chance to hear the siren. Peter’s friends were in awe of our visitor and his very cool car.

Kudos to Captain Chris Blasnek for making this number 5 birthday a very special and happy day. Someday Peter would like to be a policeman and a fireman because they are always helping people in trouble.

Chuck Andrew



Applauds Medians

The new median islands on Foothill Boulevard are just a fabulous addition to our community. When the trees reach their maturity in a few years, our stretch of the boulevard will be a magnificent place to be, increasing the value of our town in so many ways. And it’s only the beginning … additions will continue in the future (and raising the welcome signs by at least 4 ft!).

So many people have been involved in getting the medians, starting so long ago in the time when the county flatly stated, “We don’t do street medians” to the CV Town Council of today. We have great people in our town who have vision, and the tenacity, to make that vision a reality for the betterment of all of us. They deserve praise beyond measure.

And our support. Let’s get behind the Rockhaven project (kudos to Friends of Rockhaven, Joanna Linkhorst, the Gangi project) so the Glendale Council realizes the importance of that place to the city as a whole, now and in the future.

Stuart Byles

La Crescenta