She Clarifies the Issue

I am a resident of La Crescenta. I am also an immigrant. I am responding to editor Robin Goldsworthy’s column titled: “Opening Your Doors Though Ignorant Of Who Might Be Knocking.”

The issue she is raising is not about watching “too many scary movies.” It is about a humanitarian crisis at our borders. Indeed “children should never be ripped away from their parents at the border,” exposed to extreme toxic stress from these forced separations, not speaking the language, housed in iceboxes suffering hunger, lack of human contact, illnesses and even death. Two children tragically died in December under the government’s care. These “illegal immigrants” are seeking asylum due to political and life-threatening situations. They are not criminals. In fact, research has shown (please see references online at www.cvweekly.com/Viewpoints) that immigrants, both legal and illegal, are more law abiding, have lower incarceration rates, and lower crime rates than native-born Americans.

The very nature of America is a country that is non-dualistically “both/and,” a nation of laws established to welcome “the other” and guard against the very dualistic “either/or” tribalism symbolic of these trying times. Instead of building walls of xenophobia, let’s build bridges of philoxenia.

To her point, let’s get to know “the other,” when s/he knocks at our door or our borders instead of assuming s/he is a criminal.

Victoria Gutierrez-Kovner

La Crescenta


Disallow Against 5G

We are strongly against 5G microwave transmitters erected in our neighborhood because it is controversial, which lowers property values. Real estate agents, insurers and appraisers attest that uncertainty lowers property values. A reduction of your home’s value because of controversial 5G microwave radiation throughout your house 24/7 will steal how much of your net worth? Disallow 5G.

We personally have fire issues. A telephone/power pole in front of our property is 35 feet from the closest bedroom with sleeping heads in this 5G microwave oven. All devices catch fire. We have a beautiful mature pine tree filling the space between the pole and our house’s bedrooms. If 5G equipment catches fire, then the tree, our house and occupants could be lost. Disallow 5G.

High financial incentives are driving companies to install 5G high frequency microwave radiation over safe, proven and superior fiber optic cable systems. European governments are restricting the use of 5G. Companies in Germany are offering copper wall shielding systems and micro-wire impregnated glass as defense against 5G. The 5G towers must be erected every two to 10 poles because they don’t radiate far, but radiate intensely.  Corporations are being greedy and sneaky about the scope of their roll-out. Disallow 5G.

A lousy law bans us from citing medical issues or demanding testing on physiological cell structure and DNA for the generations to come. For all reasons should neighborhoods become test-cages of lab rats? 5G controversy is multiplied when discussion is disallowed, unspoken, unrecorded and untested. Until all issues are openly dealt with, spoken or unspoken, disallow 5G.

Summary: Disallow 5G microwave into our houses until all uncertainties are properly dealt with. Disallow 5G now. 

Ted Baumgart and
Cathryn Williams

La Crescenta