GUSD Board of Education Meets in Special Session


The Glendale Unified School District Board of Education met in special session on Tuesday to discuss fiscal matters and the search for a new superintendent.

However, only discussion on fiscal matters proceeded after the second closed session of the board led to an announcement that the search for a new superintendent is being tabled until a later date.

Representatives from the Glendale Teachers Association expressed their disappointment in the progress of the search so far.

“I have serious concerns that search firm will be able to bring [a] candidate that will bring integrity … and [be] respectful of the union,” said GTA President Talin Arsenian.

Arsenian expressed her concern with the Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates search firm, the firm selected by a 5-0 vote to oversee GUSD’s hunt for a new superintendent.

HYA was selected last Tuesday after GUSD heard pitches from HYA and two other firms, Leadership Search Partners and The Cosca Group. All companies specialize in finding educators for executive positions.

“We wouldn’t be here if this wasn’t serious,” said Arsenian, speaking to the audience.

Arsenian encouraged the board to reconsider its choice of HYA and select either of the other two firms.

Arsenian also expressed concerns pertaining to the transparency of the board. The last board meeting saw both the presentation of all three search firms by the board and also the board voting on which firm to retain without any public comments after presentations, a point of contention for Arsenian.

Arsenian and fellow GTA members alongside her were greeted with a round of applause from the crowd after speaking.

The majority of time was spent discussing the current financial crisis that GUSD is facing.

“We can’t keep deficit spending,” said Board President Greg Krikorian

In efforts to keep the budget tight, GUSD will be looking to scale back programs but try to not completely cut them. The board also will be considering eliminating currently vacant positions within the school district.

Another discussion concerning budget was the loss of students. The net change in GUSD enrollment year-to-date was a loss of 281 students. Board members hoped that keeping GUSD programs going would encourage students’ families to stay in the district.

Board meetings are held at the GUSD Administration center located at 223 N. Jackson St., Glendale, CA 91206. The next board meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2019.