April To Do List

April is already upon us and the super bloom is resplendent (as are allergies). In March, Corresponding Secretary Sophal Ear and I attended a Glendale Unified School District board of education meeting in our capacities as members of the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee. We reported on the spending of bond monies within GUSD. Sophal is vice-chair of the CBOC and during public comments we underscored the need for traffic safety around our schools here in La Crescenta. Speeding, dangerous intersections and other traffic issues were highlighted. The California Highway Patrol will intervene when any drivers, including CVHS students, operate their vehicles unsafely around schools especially when children are present. Unsafe drivers will be ticketed!

Last Saturday, Coffee with Council took place in front of Ralph’s Market Councilmembers enjoyed this informal meet-and-greet opportunity with community members on their way in or out of Ralphs.

Former Councilmember Danette Ericksen hosted several councilmembers at her home to review the Town Council scholarship application form. Applications must be postmarked no later than April 12 and eligibility extends to any high school senior residing in unincorporated La Crescenta and Montrose. Interviews will be held after April 12.

The Council is in contact with LA County Public Works to fill potholes that emerged following our very rainy year. I would also remind readers not to dump items on the street. Call Burrtec in advance and arrange pick-up or, if you do not live in unincorporated La Crescenta and Montrose, call your trash provider to pick up these items. Download the LA County The Works app to your mobile phone to report dumping, graffiti, illegally parked vehicles and other issues.

Coming up: Rosemont Preserve, in conjunction with the Town Council, will celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, April 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Rosemont Preserve. Activities for the whole family start at 11 a.m. Join us in the City Nature Challenge – an international effort to find and document plants and wildlife in cities across the globe. Learn about animal tracking and wildlife photography; take a hike through the Preserve; try an acorn pancake and chia jam; and enjoy fun games for kids. Girl Scout Troop 5721 will demonstrate how to use iNaturalist and lead wildlife tours through the Preserve. All events are free to the public. Park at Two Strike Park and walk up to the Preserve. Wear sturdy shoes and bring a hat and water if it’s hot. If you have any questions, feel free to contact

The La Crescenta-Montrose Community Standards District (CSD) update will be discussed at an LA County Regional Planning Commission hearing on April 24 at 9 a.m. The CSD consists of design standards for commercial zones along Foothill Boulevard, as well as multi-family properties in R-3 zones. No new development or zone changes are proposed as a part of this ordinance. Updated design standards along Foothill Boulevard are intended to improve the appearance of the corridor and promote walkability. Updated design standards for R-3 zoned multi-family properties are intended to ensure that any new multi-family buildings are designed to be compatible with existing residential neighborhoods.

Documents related to this public hearing can be found at

That same day, there will be a hearing as well on the mixed-use condo project consisting of 47 units adjacent to the Walgreens in the 3000 block of Foothill.

Finally, April is Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month. Why April?  Many of the past century’s genocides began in April – Armenia, Germany (the Holocaust), Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Sudan. April 24 is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. This year marks the 104th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. April 17 is the 43rd anniversary of the Cambodian Genocide, which resulted in 1.7 million deaths. Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2019 in Israel will begin in the evening of Tuesday, April 23 and end in the evening of Wednesday, April 24. As in previous years, the Town Council will issue a proclamation on the occasion of Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day at its general meeting on April 18 at 7 p.m. when we meet in the community room of La Crescenta Library (2809 Foothill Blvd.). We look forward to seeing you.

Harry Leon, President

Crescenta Valley Town Council