Celebrating Mother’s Day at Armenian Family Saturday School

In any community there are many events that go unnoticed. They are part of the mosaic that makes up neighborhoods, schools and places of worship. Such an event took place in Glendale when the Armenian Family Saturday School presented its annual Mother’s Day program. This is the school’s 40th year and the event celebrated four decades of remembering the local mothers of the Armenian community.

The program was in the Armenian language, which included singing, poetry recitation and some ethnic dancing. Mothers were honored by the children with songs and recitals that went to the heart of what is motherhood.

The Armenian Family Saturday School has educated about 1,700 students through the years. Among its goals is helping the students maintain their Armenian identity when the children are, literally, living in two worlds.

Though English is the language in which students receive their education five days each week, Armenian Family Saturday School helps keep the Armenian language alive, continuing the culture to reach its fullest potential.

If one’s language is lost, the culture can ultimately be sacrificed and/or watered down, jeopardizing the identity of the culture until it becomes a mere memory. The Armenian Family Saturday School fills the need of keeping the culture alive by teaching the language to the students.

For the Mother’s Day performance, the room was filled with people taking pictures. At the end, all the mothers were presented with flowers as were the teachers and other staff members. The event ended with food and refreshments for all.

The school is located in the heart of Glendale. For enrollment information, contact the school at (818) 281-1218.

Submitted by Robert KACHADOURIAN