Quality of Water

In reference to [the Crescenta Valley Water District] proposed water and sewer rate increase, we adamantly oppose a rate increase for the following reasons:

Over the years it became necessary to completely replace all the plumbing in our home due to the poor quality of water. The galvanize pipes were so occluded we lost at least 50% water pressure. All valves and faucets, washing machine, showerheads and the dishwasher required replacing due to the inferior quality of water.

Out of necessity we replaced all our pipes to copper including the main pipe to the water meter. However, in the last few years our faucets and valves started to fail again. Then our clothes washer and dishwasher required constant service and replacement. Service technicians and our plumber suggested we invest in an adequate filtering system to avoid further replacement costs.

In 2018, at a tremendous cost, we had a complete “enviro” certified water system installed. It included a “prefilter to remove sediment,” “carbon system water filtration” and a “NaturSoft system” salt-free softening.    

Interestingly, the manufacturer recommended replacing the “prefilter” every six to nine months depending on the quality of water. We found it necessary to replace said filter every four months due to a constant drop in pressure. After removing the old filter we were amazed how contaminated it was with debris.

In all due respect, [the CVWD] proposed water rate increase is unwarranted. Consider the financial impact it will have on our retired citizens and low-income families.

Andy & Maria Gero

La Crescenta


Looking Forward to Meeting with GBRA

I recently hit the internet to seek what was up with Allen Brandstater and came across the news story “All Welcomed at Republican Assembly’s New La Crescenta Home” (Between Friends, April 11). [The story featured] him in a Glendale Burbank Republican Assembly (GBRA) dignitary photo opp at the new GBRA meeting spot in

La Crescenta. 

I cannot wait to enter this new GBRA home-base when I return from my Aspen and Denver adventures where in Denver I push for the Denver Republican Party to have both Hon. Ara Najarian and Hon. Michael Antonovich as guest speakers about mass transit. 

As a side bar, there is a Glendale, Colorado that is completely surrounded by Denver. Imagine Glendale, California having a sister city relationship with it. 

Allen Brandstater, keep pushing because winners never quit.

Emzy Veazy III



Unsustainable Status Quo

Government is no longer for all the people, but only the ones that it employs. And, government does not have to operate as a responsible business. It doesn’t have to live within its means because it has other people as its reserve. 

It acts as if it can afford to pay its employees handsomely for their services. They can even afford to get into a bidding war with surrounding city governments for a choice applicant. It often pays considerably more than the private sector.

Its benefits package for years of service is unmatchable anywhere. The pension program is 60%-90% of [an employee’s] last paycheck and [employees] can save up their vacation time and use it for their last paycheck. [Those who complete] 30 years [of service] at 50 years [of age] could retire with that paycheck for life! Oh, I forgot to mention: free medical for life also.

California is the fifth largest economy in the world and we have the highest taxes and cost of living in the country.  It is so poorly managed for years that [the state government is] still looking for more ways to tax us. Some believe that California is in debt as much as $3.3 trillion.

And, look at our needs, such as: infrastructure; roads; schools; affordable housing; and homeless to mention a few. It cannot be spending anything close to what is reported. Just look at the results.

We can no longer accept this kind of leadership, nor can we ignore and not speak up for this mismanagement.  Our lives are affected and our standard of living is being taken from us.

If you suspect what you are being told is financially impossible, you are most likely correct. 

At my age and seeing the facts, I find it hard not to be leaning conservative.  Wishful thinking will always disappoint us.

Ken Grayson, Grayson’s Tune Town Montrose