Study Released on Traffic Noise

As part of the Los Angeles County study into the Foothill (210) Freeway Sound Wall Project, a traffic noise study was conducted from Pennsylvania Avenue to Waltonia Drive in the unincorporated area of Los Angeles County/La Crescenta/Montrose.

The Sound Wall Project would construct 15 sound barriers along the 210 from the Pennsylvania Avenue overcrossing to west of the Glendale (2) Freeway interchange. All sound barriers would be located within the Caltrans’ right of way, according to the report.

“Sound level readings, traffic counts and pertinent field data such as traffic flow speed and topography of the locations were used to develop the computer traffic noise model for each analysis. The computer traffic noise model was then used to predict future noise levels to determine feasible and reasonable noise abatement for the impact areas,” the report stated. “The traffic noise analysis indicates that residential areas within the project limits are currently impacted [i.e. the existing worst-hour noise level at activity areas exceeds FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC)].

LA-210-EA32930-Traffic Noise Study Report 05.10.19