Revisiting Where X Could Mark the Spot

Isn’t about time we revisit the X pedestrian crossing at Honolulu and Ocean View? Perhaps it can remain a little longer than the 20 seconds it was in place last time! That way a far more serious examination could be done, to weigh the pros and cons. It needs a longer time frame to do so. When it was there last, I sat at the corner for an hour and a half, [watching the] going home traffic on a Thursday to do an impromptu observation. Maximum cars backed up at the light were 12, and all made it through in one go. Pedestrian time count was 32 seconds, which appeared to be more than enough for all directions to make it across. Perhaps four seconds could be shaved off, and it would still be enough. All cars had an easy time of it, turning right or left, with no pedestrians in the way. And all pedestrians, too, didn’t have to worry about anxious drivers. The major traffic congestion was cars turning left into the Chase Bank parking lot, with vehicles backing up well past the intersection. A simple raised curb there would solve that.

One has only to look at the completely successful X crosswalk at Raymond and Colorado in Pasadena that has been absorbed into the traffic fabric of that city for the last 25 years or more, without a murmur of opposition.

This X crossing would certainly enhance the “pedestrian-friendly experience” that has always been the drawing card for Montrose.

Stuart Byles

La Crescenta