Locks of Love This Sunday in Montrose

This Sunday everyone is invited to Allure Salon in Montrose to support students who will be donating locks of their hair through Locks of Love.

Locks of Love is a non-profit that takes donated hair and creates wigs for children who are in need.

“Our recipients are financially disadvantaged children, age 21 and under, suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. Most of our children suffer from an autoimmune disorder called alopecia areata, which causes the hair follicles to shut down. In addition to the loss of scalp hair, many also lose their eyelashes, eyebrows and all body hair. This hair loss is permanent in most cases, and there is no known cause or cure. Other recipients are cancer survivors, have been victim to severe burns or suffer from any number of dermatological conditions that cause permanent hair loss,” according to Locks of Love website.

Montrose Shopping Park Association is collaborating with stylists from April Ray Salon, Expressions for Hair and Allure Salon in this Locks of Love event.

When a person donates their hair they receive a free hair cut and style, $50 Amazon gift card give away, $10 Montrose Scrip and a $15 gift bag. In addition the person that donates the longest hair will be awarded an iPad, and the person with the second longest hair donated will receive a Moroccan oil blow dryer.

The event is from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Allure Salon is located at 2431 Honolulu Avenue. For more information visit www.MontroseHairEvent.com