Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s and Glendale Police Department are reminding people to keep their vehicle doors locked and do not leave valuables in the car.
“We have had several vehicle burglaries. We want to remind residents not to leave valuables like purses in their cars,” said Sgt. Ray Harley, CV Sheriff’s Station.
Harley said that no matter how many times they remind people to be cautious there are always those who think nothing will happen.
“But when your purse is stolen they have your identity, your credit cards and driver’s license,” he said.
GPD is also reminding people to protect valuables from burglary.
“In Glendale alone there have been 676 auto burglaries over the past year, 63 in the last 30 days and 13 in the past week, “ according to a statement from the department.
They too warn of the “It won’t happen to me” attitude.
Most vehicle burglaries are crimes of opportunities, Harley said.
Those who commit the burglaries will look through the windows of the vehicles when they see something of value it takes little time for a window to be smashed and the items stolen.
Law enforcement want community members to have a pleasant holiday and not worry about cancelling their credit cards or standing in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles to receive another driver’s license.
They remind people to keep the door locked and their vehicle clear of valuables. Do not leave a global positioning system in the vehicle or at best put it in the glove compartment if it can be detached easily. Park in well lit areas and keep vehicle registration and driver’s license with the driver. Registrations are often stolen and used for identification theft.