By Mary O’KEEFE & Charly SHELTON
Maundy Thursday
For Christians today is Maundy Thursday. It is the Thursday of the final week before Christ was crucified and resurrected – Easter.
To some who are new to Maundy Thursday and may have just happened to walk into a church, pre-COVID-19, they may have been a little surprised to see the washing of feet. In many churches the minister, deacons and some church congregation wash the feet of the parishioners. This is a symbol of what Christ mandatum [Latin for commanded] his disciples to follow.
It was during the Passover meal when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. This was a really big deal; He was their leader after all and for him to “lower’ himself to wash the feet of his “workers” was extraordinary.
This was a display of humility, this was way to show that love and …. wait for it … that they were all in this together.
The new commandment that was set that day according to John 13:34: “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
You don’t have to be Christian, you don’t have to believe, to agree that this message is just as powerful today as it was when Jesus walked the Earth.
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