The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP-C19) provides residential rent payments to landlords on behalf of a low income eligible household, up to $750 per month, for two months ($1,500 maximum assistance).
Who is Eligible:
Residential tenants needing assistance to maintain housing and/or reduce delinquent rental payments due to COVID-19.
To qualify, applicants:
1. Must be a resident of the City of Glendale.
2. Must be renting a legal rental unit (or room sublease) and contain a current lease or sublease agreement. Additional information such as utility billings and certain mail service will also be required to establish a household as being a renter household occupying a unit.
3. Must qualify as a Low-Income Household (80% and below Area Median Income). Total household income cannot exceed the maximums below, per household size in the unit, as established by HUD. Each applicant will be required to submit source documentation demonstrating their income eligibility.

4. Must be economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Impacts can include any of the following:
5. Must not have already received emergency relief funding from a local, state, or federal agency for the same purpose (federal Stimulus Check issued by the IRS are exempt from this rule).
6. Must not have any familial relationship to the owner/landlord of the rental unit.
7. Must not be enrolled in the Section 8 program, currently residing in a City sponsored affordable housing project, or enrolled in any other type of housing subsidy program.
8. Per federal regulations, applicants applying for assistance must hold legal residency status in order to qualify.
Applications for Round 1 will only be accepted online, starting July 1 at noon to July 15 at noon.
Click here for eligibility requirements, guidelines, and more. for questions, email or call (818) 548-2069