»News from the Montrose Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce


Changes at the Chamber


The “new normal” is ever evolving. With all the changes and the halt to business as usual, the Montrose~Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce has also been affected.

Working from home meant we were not in the office each day. Yet since the Stay-At-Home Order, the MVCC has worked to keep the business membership and the community overall apprised of the changing landscape. We exemplified the purpose of a chamber: as a resource for the businesses and the community, to support and evolve as the business climate evolved. You received our daily emails when new information was coming from the County, the Health Department, and the City of Glendale. Monthly newsletters and our social media platforms have kept the community aware of businesses that were open and available for pick-up or delivery. And we brought new ideas, such as the Montrose restaurant bingo, to show your support of those businesses. Even though we could not gather in person, MVCC did not stop new member ribbon cuttings; instead we created the virtual ribbon cutting with great appreciation to all the local legislative offices for supporting and providing digital certificates of recognition to the new businesses. We asked local photographer Stephanie Wiley to allow us to showcase and share her photos of the “Face of COVID-19’s Impact.” We have kept business in the forefront by implementing new and alternate ways of doing and recognizing business.

During this pandemic the MVCC has also been affected financially, as have all businesses, organizations and households in communities across our nation and around the world. The annual events have been cancelled or delayed, and that affects the bottom line. Without events, the MVCC has had a good portion of its revenue stream halted. Thus, in order to try and make the remaining dollars stretch as far as they can go, we are changing our structure.

I try not to involve myself in any of the monthly articles. The CV Weekly articles are about the organizations, the community and the noteworthy events. I would, however, like to take this opportunity to let you know in light of the situation and the need to evolve the office, I am stepping down as the executive director of the Montrose~Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce.

This has been an arduous decision. With many restless/sleepless nights worrying about revenue options, it finally came to me that the chamber itself could function on fewer hours and less expenses and still be effective. I also know that in my household we could not sustain the impact of that change; I would need to find other work. I knew that if I stayed on with the chamber I would be holding it back. I could never do that. I have taken great pride in raising the chamber as a reliable resource for the businesses and the community – not just for annual events and mixers – and I hope that during the pandemic I was able to lead the MVCC office to work on behalf of the businesses and community to keep all informed and provide a sense of support during this unprecedented time. I had hoped I could continue that work and sustain the MVCC as a beacon of what a chamber can and should do for businesses and the community. Unfortunately, the time has come to downsize and adjust.

Having had a conversation with the 2020 president of the chamber we came to the conclusion that I would step down. But I will be in the background. You will see me around the community and always supporting the chamber. The chamber will continue on; it has been around since 1923, and should be around for many more years to come. 

Thank you for the opportunity to work for you. And thank you for what this experience has taught me while I was in this position. This is truly a role and responsibility I never took for granted. I showed up and worked diligently and with great pride for the community that raised me.


Victoria Marie Malone, MVCC Executive Director

YOUR Montrose~Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce

3436 N. Verdugo Road, Suite 100, Glendale, CA 91208

(818) 249-7171