Recall Gavin Newsom

More than one quarter of a million of California’s corona virus testing records have been neglected and uncounted, [according to CalMatters.org]. As a result, the testing data was delayed by nearly a week leading to inaccurate case numbers statewide. This is especially concerning for the thousands of business owners across the state who have watched their businesses get totally wiped out by Newsom’s oppressive and tyrannical lockdown. Newsom has repeatedly ignored our state’s constitution and has used his executive authority to change some 400 laws since he took office – including 46 executive orders just since the pandemic began.

And while he’s putting business owners out of work and locking up residents who do try to work he’s also releasing tens of thousands of hardened criminals back onto the streets! In March alone, Newsom commuted the sentences of 19 felons convicted of murder, including one convict who murdered a pregnant woman and several others who killed children!

Newsom was also “gifted” a $3 million mansion and he has given

American taxpayer money to people who are here illegally. In my opinion he is not fit to lead. I could go on…

Luckily, there is now something we can do about this mess: Sign the petition to recall Gavin Newsom. Go to RecallGavinNewsom2020.com, download and print the petition and start getting signatures. About two million signatures will be needed in order to remove him from office. The instructions on where to send completed petitions is all spelled out on the website. (By the way, the signatures must be “wet” signatures to be valid.)

I also suggest having it delivered by FedEx so it will be time and date stamped so you’ll have proof that you sent it and hopefully it doesn’t simply end up in the “round file.”

Scottie Mitchell
