Not the ‘New Normal’

Who are we kidding? There is nothing normal about remote learning. The photos and accompanying stories in CV Weekly (Aug. 20) about our youth stuck at home and isolated on a computer are downright depressing.

Although Governor Newsom claims that he is “following the science“ by keeping the school closed, there is plenty of real science and real data showing his actions are harmful and wrong. We are all clear that COVID-19 causes a minimal illness in children. There are zero reported deaths in LA County from COVID-19 in children under the age of 18. There are zero cases worldwide of documented student to teacher transmission. There is CDC released data showing soaring rates of depression, anxiety and substance abuse in our youth since COVID lockdowns and school closures were implemented.

Let’s not kid ourselves that Mr. Newsom is actually following the science or that remote learning is in anyway a “new normal.” It is clearly not and never will be a substitute for going to school. It seems to me that sadly Mr. Newsom is choosing to follow the teachers union and his own politics instead of following science and data.

Bruce Stark

La Crescenta



Preserve Rockhaven

Such a historic site, such as [Rockhaven – highlighted in the Aug. 27 issue of CV Weekly], should be saved and protected. It is truly sad that the City of Glendale can’t develop the property as city development. Maybe the city can restore it and turn it into city offices or rent/lease them to private offices. I think it would be perfect for CV Weekly offices. The longer this beautiful property languishes it will be unsalvageable.

Paul Liu
