Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at robin@cvweekly.com
or (818) 248-2740.
Helping Around Town
As most of you know, I don’t exert a lot of physical energy here at the CV Weekly (mental – yes; physical – not so much) and last week’s riots in the Capitol took a mental toll on me. It hurt my heart to see my fellow countrymen attacking a bastion of democracy and I’m bogged down by a dread of what Jan. 20 may hold. Amid these worries was an opportunity – an opportunity to focus on something local, on something physical, on something that helped me get “out of my own head.” The magical thing was … cleaning the on-ramp of the 210 Freeway at La Crescenta Avenue.
For the last 10 years or so, Steve Pierce, community volunteer and civic leader, has taken on the responsibility of cleaning the off-ramp of the 210 Freeway at La Crescenta Avenue. It’s a point of pride for him because he loves the community that he has called home for many decades.
Saturday was the monthly cleanup of the off-ramp and on-ramp. I was able to lend a hand last month and knew that was the place I needed to be this past Saturday morning. I, too, love my community and it felt good to be out in my yellow day-glo vest and hard hat, trash picker in one hand, popping garbage into a bag I held in the other. It wasn’t just the physical act of cleaning up the ramp; it was knowing I was doing something that bettered La Crescenta.
Not surprising, Mary O’Keefe and her daughter-in-law Sabrina were also there Saturday morning with Steve P. and me and a couple of new pickers. (One was Sean and you can learn more about his journey to the off-ramps on page 3 of this week’s paper.)
Was the work done earth-altering? Nope, but it was good to be out and about – even though some of the drivers who passed me probably thought I was fulfilling a condition of probation.
Steve P. is actively looking for other individuals and businesses to help with the responsibility of the monthly cleanup. It only takes about 45 minutes and the supplies (vests, hard hats, pickers, trash bags) are all provided. Give Steve a call at (818) 259-5195 and make the commitment of lending a hand. You might even find your photo on the pages of the CV Weekly…