Opposes Censoring of Letters
The letters in [the Jan. 21] paper were interesting to say the least. What did disturb me was the request for [the CV Weekly] to censor what letters it prints. That writer seems to think that you should not print what offends or disturbs that reader.
I see, hear and read things that offend me, but I would never suggest that they be eliminated. Too many people died to defend a nation that is supposed to believe in freedom of speech. That does not mean only speech that the reader, viewer or listener agrees with. If it offends, change the channel, move away from the source or remove the source. Do not interfere; there may be others who may be interested in the subject.
Thank you.
Tom Suter
La Crescenta
Do the Glendale Design Review Guidelines Still Apply?
The Comprehensive Design and Hillside Guidelines need to be applied to new developments. In the Glendale hillsides, there are massive modern block homes built that dwarf the surrounding older mid-century homes. One by one, older homes in the city are being demolished and replaced resulting in changing the look and feel of our city.
In November 2011, Glendale established a Comprehensive Design Guideline for residential developments. The city spent thousands of dollars to create these guidelines. However, residential projects are being submitted to the Design Review Board that do not meet the design codes. This is leading to unpredictable results, unhappy neighbors and neighborhoods forever being changed. Many projects are now appealed to the city council.
The Design Review Board (DRB) hearings and cases appealed to the city council, show that the Design and Hillside Guidelines are not a main concern in plans submitted. Developments are required to be compatible with neighborhoods in terms of size, mass and scale, bulk, height, setbacks and compatibility with the surrounding homes. These listed items are supposed to be carefully considered.
Architects and property owners should be required to read the guidelines and address each of requirements listed above. A separate city analysis, maybe done by a historic preservationist, describing the effect a new development will have on a street and neighborhood should be provided to aid the DRB in making an informed decision.
The guidelines specifically state “the overall character of the neighborhood and surrounding context should be carefully considered, including historic character, overall look and feel, quality and scale of the architectural and landscape design.”
Glendale’s guidelines were enacted to provide predictability for all parties involved including to our city residents. Our city officials years ago had the vision to preserve our beautiful neighborhoods and it should still be a priority today.
Derick Mailan