Good News, Pensive News
Sometimes the events of this past year hit me unexpectedly.
When the pandemic first struck, I told BFF Amy that we were living in “historic times.” I was thinking that in two weeks it would all be over and life would return to normal. (Remember when we were told that bit of folly?)
Well, I’m over “historic times;” I’m eager to return to life and the “new normal” – whatever that is.
However, one of the things that brought down my mood really has nothing to do with COVID: the ongoing strife (fight) among the Glendale Unified School District, teachers (I guess “some teachers” would be more accurate) and the Glendale Teachers Assn. There appears to be little-to-no information as to what it will take to get teachers and kids back into the classroom, though perhaps the $2 billion in incentives will accelerate the process.
The zero emergency bail schedule is another situation that makes my skin crawl. While I understand that the zero bail was supposed to be applied only to “lower level and misdemeanor crimes,” since it was instituted we have repeatedly seen more crimes committed by the same criminals, sometimes within hours of being released on zero bail. Doesn’t make me feel any safer, that’s for sure.
Then there’s the insanity of QAnon. Not much more needs to be said on that front.
I could go on but instead I’m going to redirect my attention (or “pivot”) to some good news that I want to share.
The lost coat has been found.
It was at my mother-in-law’s house; I found it on Sunday.