CA COVID-19 Rent Relief Program

The State of California has established a new rental assistance program for Glendale residents and landlords. The new program, CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program, allocates $2.6 billion in federal rental assistance. Of that, $332 million is specifically allocated to Los Angeles County, including Glendale. 

This new state rental assistance program will enable low-income households most impacted by the pandemic to stay in their homes and prevent displacement by providing financial assistance to income-qualified renters experiencing housing instability.

Both Glendale tenants and landlords can apply to this program directly. The program provides rent reimbursement to landlords for unpaid rent accrued between April 1 and March 31. Landlords are eligible to receive 80% of unpaid rent as long as they agree to waive the remaining 20% of unpaid rent. The program also allows for the payment of future rent and unpaid/future utility bills. 

Eligible renters whose landlords don’t participate in the program can still receive 25% of unpaid rent accrued between April 1, 2020, and March 31. Renter who pay the 25% of past due rent by June 30 can help keep them in their homes under the extended eviction protections provided in SB91. Eligible renters can also receive future rent assistance equal to 25% of their monthly rent as well as assistance with utility delinquencies.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Landlords who have one or more eligible renter(s) who have unpaid rent accrued from April 1, 2020 through March 31.
  • Renters who are at or below 80% of the Area Median Income, who have incurred a financial hardship due to COVID-19 and are experiencing housing instability.
  • If eligible, either a landlord or a renter can initiate the application process.
  • Applicants will not be asked about their citizenship, nor will they be required to show proof of citizenship.
  • The CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program became available to all eligible applicants starting Monday, March 15; however, applications submitted from households at the greatest risk of eviction will be prioritized first. Greatest risk of eviction is understood based on a renter’s ability to pay the minimum 25% rent owed, the household’s AMI, and if the household is located in an area disproportionately impacted by Covid-19.

Qualified individuals must apply for the COVID-19 relief program online by visiting The state has also set up a call center to provide assistance for those who do not have access to a computer and for anyone who has eligibility questions or is looking for additional information. The phone line is available daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at (833) 430-2122.