Drag Queen Bingo is Back – Virtually

Deven Green will be dolled up when hosting the Drag Queen BINGO on May 21.
Photos provided by USC-VHH Women’s Council


Fundraising during the pandemic has been difficult for non-profits, especially in tight- knit communities that are used to supporting projects through donations or by attending events. Many of these non-profits have life-saving components, like at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital.

The Women’s Council at USC-VHH is a non-profit foundation that raises money for the hospital that is used for hospital programs, services and equipment. The Women’s Council is currently raising funds for an Interventional Radiology Catheterization Lab (IR Cath Lab) at the hospital and in mid-March the hospital held a virtual groundbreaking ceremony for the Cath Lab.

“The Women’s Council has made a commitment [to the IR Cath Lab] to fundraise $100,000,” said Ruth McNevin, publicity chair for the Women’s Council.

The Women’s Council has been supporting the hospital since the facility opened its doors in the 1970s. Throughout the years the organization has held several creative and popular fundraisers including its Drag Queen BINGO. This year bingo will return, virtually via Zoom, and will be held on May 21 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 each.

“The Drag Queen BINGO is fun,” McNevin said.

The bingo event is an entertaining way to raise money for the hospital. In addition to bingo the foundation is also preparing for its 30th annual golf classic, Around the World in 18 Holes, on Sept. 20 beginning at 9 a.m. with a reception and awards dinner to follow at 4:30 p.m.

The money raised at these events will benefit the IR Cath Lab. Cardiac catheterization examines the vessels, valves and chambers of the heart. It will be used by cardiovascular surgeons to do specialized or more invasive surgeries that require simultaneous imaging, like tracing arteries, according to a statement by USC-VHH.

The bottom line is this will allow doctors to quickly identify cardiac issues when patients enter the Emergency Dept. (ED).

During the March groundbreaking Rod Hanners, interim CEO of Keck Medicine of USC, said, “Currently very few emergency cardiac procedures can be performed at VHH due to the hospital’s lack of this aspect of the Cath Lab.”

If USC-VHH has the IR Cath Lab doctors can diagnose heart issues at the location and act immediately, McNevin said.

“Time is of the essence,” she added.

Presently some patients who arrive in the VHH ED with coronary issues that require a more in-depth diagnosis are transferred to another hospital, which delays treatment.

“This is a big deal,” Dr. Armand Dorian, interim CEO of USC-VHH and former chief medical officer, said at the time of the groundbreaking. “This is part of our growth. The first part was the Neonatology Dept., so we started with that and now it’s all about cardiovascular growth.”

Raising funds for big projects is nothing new for the Women’s Council. Prior to this fundraising challenge they raised funds for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) that was completed at the hospital in 2018. The NICU is composed of six private rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

McNevin said the NICU has been invaluable at the hospital, which she feels has allowed more births at the hospital. In addition, that area also served the hospital in the last year when it was revamped, as were many hospital rooms, for COVID-19 patients during the height of the pandemic.

In addition to the NICU, the Women’s Council also raised funds for the new mammogram equipment at USC-VHH.

These projects have helped expand the hospital’s ability to serve the community and the IR Cath Lab is another way the Women’s Council wants to continue to support the community hospital.

To virtually join Drag Queen BINGO, email barbara.Jordan@med.usc.edu or call (818) 952-2226. The cost is $30 per person. The event is on May 21 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.