LCFOG Lends Support to OIC

Members of the LCFOG include Jeanne Long, Joanne Plozaj, Danette Erickson, Joan Cleven, Marie Gilhooly, Marianne Jennings and Easy Delaney.

La Cañada Flintridge Orthopaedic Guild (LCFOG) has provided financial support to Orthopaedic Institute for Children (OIC) since the group was formed, with the support of several young La Cañada women, in 1957. LCFOG was one of four auxiliaries formed at that time – all with the same mission: to provide the best orthopaedic medical care to any child, regardless of the families’ ability to pay. That mission, which began with Charles LeRoy Lowman MD in 1911 at Los Angeles Orthopaedic Hospital, remains to this day. The auxiliaries are overseen by Charitable Children’s Guild (CCG).

Members of LCFOG donated numerous hours at the thrift shop in the past and, until recently, donated their time and talent to several departments at the downtown Los Angeles campus. Unfortunately, COVID-19 came along and volunteering was no longer an option. This did not stop the members of LCFOG.

With over two million children already served and the need for specialized pediatric care on the increase, the group went about its mission of raising funds for OIC.

Its annual fundraiser, the Book and Author Luncheon, was canceled due to COVID and replaced with a summer mailer to those who would have attended the luncheon and other friends of LCFOG. The response was very positive and the members of LCFOG were able to give Charitable Children’s Guild a donation of $16,000, which will be given to OIC. OIC acknowledged this donation as the first major gift from one of its support groups dedicated to “Operation Impact: The 50 Initiative.” This campaign was established because OIC loses approximately $50 in direct costs per patient visit due to families who are underinsured or uninsured. LCFOG’s donation of $16,000 will cover the $50 shortfall of 320 patient visits.

The Guild is proud to support OIC in this way and proud to continue its history of supporting care for kids.

Submitted by Arlene MASSIMINO