Rev. Denyse Barnes was appointed as senior pastor to Crescenta Valley United Methodist Church effective July 1. She is also appointed as associate director of Justice and Compassion Ministries to the California Pacific Annual Conference.
Rev. Denyse was commissioned as a provisional elder in June 2018 and ordained in full connection in June 2020. She was appointed to Hollywood UMC as associate pastor effective July 1, 2018. In June 2019 Denyse was appointed quarter-time to the Cal-Pac annual conference as LGBTQIA+ advocacy coordinator. She graduated with a Masters in Divinity from Claremont School of Theology in May 2018 and is currently studying for her D.Min where her thesis is based on a proposal for a new organizational structure for the UMC based on Celtic Christianity models.
Rev. Denyse hails from the UK originally, leaving there in 2003 and teaching English as a second language in various countries across the globe. She arrived in the USA in 2004 and has worked as a travel consultant and tour guide for adults with developmental disabilities and as an in-home hospice caregiver for Alzheimer’s patients and their families.
Prior to leaving England, Rev. Denyse was teaching computer skills to young people with severe epilepsy.
She married Deborah Levinson on Aug. 1, 2020 and, when not working, can be found with her dogs, Sheldon, Jiminy and Mozzie at the beach or in the park.