Views from the Valley

Trying To Keep Up

It’s getting more difficult to keep track of all the projects in the Crescenta Valley. Here is a quick update of some of the topics that the Crescenta Valley Community Association discussed this summer:

Regional Issues

  • California High Speed Rail – The Burbank to Los Angeles segment has completed environmental review and the Final EIR/EIS could be certified by the end of the year. $423 million in Proposition 1A funds have been allocated for the Link Union Station project with more funds likely coming from the federal infrastructure package, if passed. The Palmdale to Burbank environmental study is nearing completion and the Draft EIR/EIS will be released for comment this fall. The public will have 45 days to respond. There are six alternative routes being considered, all of which will have substantial construction and use impact on the area, especially to Lake View Terrace, Sunland, La Tuna Canyon, Sun Valley and Burbank. More at
  • California Legislators have been busy the last couple of sessions introducing and amending hundreds of housing bills. Most notable and potentially devastating are SB9 and SB10 that allow four to 10 residential units to be built on parcels in existing single-family neighborhoods. Both were passed by the Senate and Assembly, and despite overwhelming opposition then signed by Gov. Newsom, following the election. Several groups have formed who believe that housing development should be locally managed. More at Livable California; United Neighbors; Communities for Choice; California Cities for Local Control
  • Regional Housing Needs Assessment/Allocation (RHNA) – Housing law requires periodic review and assessment of housing needs in the State of California. For the RHNA planning period October 2021 through October 2029, the Southern California region received an allocation of 1.3 million units. Cities are required to demonstrate they have the capacity to build a specified number of new housing units over the next eight years. Each jurisdiction in the Crescenta Valley was given a target number of units and is expected to submit housing elements by Oct. 15. Very little public participation has been available. More at

Local Updates

  • Verdugo Wash – A consultant was hired by the City of Glendale and a community working group was formed to consider the benefits/impacts of using the Verdugo Wash as recreational space. Outreach to the community has begun. More at
  • Deukmejian Park – The Stone Barn at Deukmejian Wilderness Park has been undergoing a conversion into a Nature Education Center. As part of the renovation, Glendale Parks and Open Space Foundation commissioned local artist Hannah Maximova to design and create a 26-foot mosaic mural that will be mounted onto the adjacent amphitheater wall. Individuals and businesses can support the park and its programs by purchasing a legacy tile. More at
  • Rockhaven – State Senator Anthony Portantino obtained $8 million in funds for the rehabilitation of the Rockhaven property. The City of Glendale has up to three years to formulate a plan and decide whether to accept the monies. City Council emails at
  • Glendale City Council considered changes to density bonus incentives and the campaign finance ordinance on Oct. 5.
  • 6433 La Tuna Canyon – Owner Snowball West Investments LP filed an appeal in Superior Court to overturn the City of Los Angeles/court decisions to reject a zone change on the former Verdugo Hills Golf Course (VHGC) property. Two-hundred and twenty-nine residential units are proposed if the zone(s) are changed.
  • Canyon Hills – A project proposal to build 221 residential units west of the VHGC property was approved in 2005 but never built. Owner/developer California Whitebird, Inc. recently applied for an encroachment permit from Caltrans.
  • 3411-3437 Foothill – Four and five stories, nine commercial plus 78 residential units; density bonus decision pending
  • 3450 North Verdugo – Three stories, commercial space plus 22 residential units; density bonus decision pending

Crescenta Valley Community Association meets monthly. Contact us at

Susan Bolan