Letter to the Editor

Celebrating – and Planning – All Rockhaven Can Be

How exciting it is that the leaders of the State of California have recognized the significance of Rockhaven Historic District and are contributing to the opening of the park we bought so many years ago!

Thank you so much for recently getting an assessment done on the property. As ideas are discussed with staff, we hope that you will keep a few things in mind: Please be thinking of what you can do with $8 million, not what you can’t do.

The original plans for moving forward with the park were to get the grounds open first, then the buildings as the money came in, according to then director of Community Services and Parks George Chapjian in the beautiful documentary “Rockhaven: A Sanctuary From Glendale’s Past.”

We know firsthand that when we get people on the property they fall in love with it. All kinds of support and funding come from people who have experienced the sense of place found within those walls. And as a nonprofit we have access to donations, grants – and volunteers – that can make the creation process easier and less expensive.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the City did only what is necessary to get the grounds open then allowed the community to come in and create gathering areas and exhibition gardens of native plants?! Community involvement would foster a sense of ownership and pride inspiring everyone to take greater care of their park. Our schools need volunteer opportunities, and Scouts are always looking for projects to earn awards.

In January 1923 Agnes Richards brought six women to Verdugo City to provide them with safe, dignified care. 2023 marks the centennial of the opening of Rockhaven Sanitarium and we hope that by then at least a small part of the property will be opened to the public for a celebration of a woman pioneer and the foresight of a city to preserve its history.

We look forward to working with you to make this as easy and successful a community asset as possible.

Joanna Linkchorst, President
Friends of Rockhaven