Oh, to be bored

From the desk of the publisher Robin Goldsworthy

I ask you, my fellow adults: When was the last time you were bored?

I cannot for the life of me remember the last time I looked around thinking that I had nothing to do, that there was nothing for me to do.

I don’t know if it comes with home ownership, having a spouse and/or children or a full time job, but somewhere down the line boredom was alleviated from my life. And to tell the truth, I miss it a little bit.

I remember as a kid being bored. It was when I was bored that I would lay on the grass on my front lawn and gaze up in the sky looking at the clouds. If I think back I can almost feel the cool grass under me and see the various shapes drifting across my view.

It was when I was bored that I would write. I’d write story after story, weaving all kinds of magical tales. When I got older and in the throes teenage angst, I’d pour out my soul and all the “troubles” I had to endure.

I also used to visit my best friend who, during my early childhood, lived right next door to me. She and I and sometimes her brother Robert would sit on her back porch and talk for hours about all kinds of things. Her family came from Peru and she would share those customs with me. Back then, we loved “spooky” stuff and would tell scary stories trying to out do each other.

During the fall, another friend and I would go to the liquor store and buy kites. I grew up near the Department of Water and Power over La Tuna Canyon in Sun Valley. Behind Sara’s house was a long field where the power transformers stood. We’d dodge in between those transformers trying to catch some air with those kites. We actually weren’t pretty good but the kites only cost about a quarter each, so it wasn’t like a big investment.

As I grew up, I embraced structure. At home I would have a list of chores that needed to get done every week. I’d check them off and present it to my parents who would reward me with my allowance. That love of structure carried into my adult life. As a single woman I had my housekeeping routine. And a full time job. Then I got married. Within a year we welcomed our first child. And started a business. And had more children. And …

And boredom was gone.

Now I can’t just sit in my house and look around. I see every bit of dust or think about that window sill that needs paint. There always seems to be something.

But maybe one day I’ll get the chance to be bored again. Who knows…it could happen.

If you find yourself with some extra time on your hands, I invite you to check out Melinda Clarke’s column for the Montrose-Verdugo Chamber of Commerce on page 23. She offers some ideas for filling any empty time you may have.