House Makes Good on its Promise to Care for Toxic-Exposed Veterans
In May 2020, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mark Takano made the following statement after his comprehensive bill, H.R. 3967, as amended, the Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2021 or Honoring our PACT Act, passed the House of Representatives with a bipartisan vote of 256-174. This legislation will finally treat toxic exposure as a cost of war by addressing the full range of issues impacting toxic-exposed veterans including access to earned benefits and healthcare through the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA). It has the strong support of 42 veteran service organizations, the Biden Harris Administration and advocates Jon Steward and John Feal.
“After years of diligent input from toxic-exposed veterans, my colleagues, our staff, VA, and VSOs, we passed the most comprehensive legislation to date to treat toxic exposure as a cost of war and ensure that all toxic-exposed veterans can access the care and benefits they’ve earned. This fight is not over, but I will not rest until our veterans have a guarantee in statute that their government will take care of them when they come home – no matter the cost. The Honoring our PACT Act will:
- Provide Priority Group 6 health care for over 3.5 million toxic-exposed veterans. This is something to monitor closely!
- Provide extension of combat eligibility for health care from five to 10 years with a one-year open enrollment period for those veterans who missed their window.
- Streamline VA’s review process for establishing toxic exposure presumptions
- Concede exposure to airborne hazards/burn pits based on locations and dates of service
- Require medical exams/opinions for certain veterans with toxic exposure disability claims
- Add hypertension and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance to the list of presumptions for Agent Orange exposure.
- Establish a presumption of service connection for 23 respiratory illnesses and cancers related to burn pits/airborne hazards exposure
- Create a presumption of exposure to radiation for veterans who participated in cleanup activities in Palomares, Spain and Enewetak Atoll
- Allow for a new tort claim for veterans and families exposed to toxic water at Camp Lejeune
- Expand Agent Orange exposure to veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.
- Improve data collection between VA and the Dept. of Defense
- Commission studies related to incidents of cancer among veterans, health trends of Post 9/11 veterans and feasibility of providing healthcare to dependents of veterans
- Require VA to provide standardized training to improve toxic exposure disability claims adjudications
- Require VA to conduct outreach and provide resources to toxic exposed veterans
Blake Hyfield is the post service officer for the local VFW and American Legion posts. He can be reached at