Terrific Kids from Palm Crest School Honored by Kiwanis Club

The Kiwanis Club of La Cañada honored five outstanding sixth graders at its weekly meeting held at Descanso Gardens recently. Students are selected by their teachers on academic achievements and extra curricular activities. The students and their parents were treated to lunch and individually honored by the Club. Terrific Kids is a long standing program of the local Kiwanis Club.

Recognized were Kathryn Fazzi, Aleen Tataposian, Clarra Alexander, Avani Johnson and Maya Sahai.

Aleen excels in math and history, Avani has been awarded the Bronze Award from the Girl Scouts, Clarra is engaged in Irish dancing and is a avid reader, Maya recently won $1,000 in a School Arts Contest, and Kathryn is involved in the Alfie Theater Program at the La Cañada High School drama program.