Letters to the Editor

Advises Against Buying into ‘Political Hysteria’

I must comment on the recent climate change comments (“global warming”) in the July 24 issue “Weather Watch – Taking a Look Outside Our Window” (I sure do miss Sue Kilpatrick).

Briefly, “buying into” political hysteria over recent heat waves, blaming fossil fuels, cars, industry and American values simply plays into “globalist” rhetoric in trying to neutralize America while communist China (thanks to Joe) takes over the world order!

[The] global warming push is unwise and contrary to facts! Our natural warming/cooling cycles are approximately 1,000 years apart, depending upon sun cycles [and] our solar systems cycles in [the] galaxy. We are in a natural warming phase (approximately 20,000 years apart) between Ice Ages. Those who want to take our freedoms away, take over as the “anointed ones,” dictating how Americans should live, will never let a crisis go to waste.

Mike Hull
San Clemente


Is Adequate Compensation Possible?

Just completed another jury duty. For random selection, I seem to have been summoned an inordinate number of times.

As we gathered in the jury room to get our certification of service, having been dismissed and not required to be on the jury, there was a general feeling of elation. Most jurors had been grousing about the obligation. They understand a trial by jury is essential to ensure our freedoms, but why are we not adequately compensated? However, when I asked how many would be contacting their state legislators, no hands went up. Disappointing.

Well, I have another year before my next summons and I plan to work diligently. Working people cannot afford to miss work and none of us can afford the gas. $97 billion state surplus and we can’t compensate our jurors?

Lloyd Berriman