Thank You Crescenta Valley Water District Customers!

Our customers responded! From Sept. 6 through Sept. 20 CVWD customers, along with the majority of Southern California, were asked to stop outdoor watering as Metropolitan Water District of Southern California shut down a critical water pipeline for emergency repairs.

The 36-mile Upper Feeder pipeline is an important part of Metropolitan’s regional water system delivering Colorado River water into the region before it is treated and distributed to communities throughout Los Angeles County. After a leak was discovered in the pipeline earlier this year, Metropolitan made a temporary repair and began operating the pipeline at a reduced capacity. The repair is now completed, and the District would like to thank the community for its tremendous response. CVWD saw reduced demands around 30%. Great job!

What Not to Flush Down the Toilet.

Crescenta Valley Water District (CVWD) operates and maintains a Wastewater Collection System consisting of 62 miles of sewer mainlines and a six-mile collection line that flows through the City of Glendale to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Each year the District cleans one third of the sewer lines, so about 22 miles of pipeline, to keep the sewer lines maintained and reduce the risk of sewer overflows. Sewer backups and overflows in the collection system, in your home, or at wastewater treatment facilities can cause costly repairs and create a public health risk. Many spills go to our lakes, rivers and oceans where they have broadranging impacts on public health and the environment.

The most common cause of sewer overflows is blockages. Fats, oil and grease (known as FOG) and wipes, paper towels and similar products are the top two contributors to sewer overflows. Even wipes labeled “flushable” will clog pipes and interfere with sewage collection and treatment.

But what are other items that you should not flush down the toilet? Q-Tips, or cotton products, dental floss, hair and kitty litter are just some of the items that should not be flushed down the toilet. Some of these seemingly insignificant items are not meant to break down in water and can get stuck along the path to the treatment plant and allow a buildup of toilet paper and other items to occur reducing capacity in the system or your home causing sewer overflows.

One item that has the District has come across with increasing frequency lately is vape cartridges. Vape cartridges, empty or not, should not be flushed down the toilet. Not only do they have a blocking or clogging potential, especially in the high quantity that they are found around Crescenta Valley High School, cartridges having residual nicotine solution and pose a threat to the domestic environment, wildlife and pets. Please dispose of cartridges responsibly.