LCFOG Announces Newly-Elected Officers

Back row: Recording Secretary Ginney Pruitt, Joanne Ploszaj and President Joan Cleven.
Front row: Corresponding Secretary Wendy Nicoll and Vice President Marie Baker.
Photo courtesy of Arlene MASSIMINO

La Cañada Flintridge Orthopaedic Guild (LCFOG) announced the election of new officers for 2023. Arlene Massimino and Caryl Pettit stepped down as co-presidents at the December meeting and welcomed Joan Cleven, a past president, back to the podium. The elected officers are Marie Baker, vice president, Wendy Nicoll, corresponding secretary, Ginney Pruitt, recording secretary and Joanne Ploszaj, treasurer. Ways and Means Chair DeeDee Nuanes will add her expertise to the elected board.

Appointed members are Jeanne Long, membership, Arlene Massimino, publicity, Marie Gilhooly, hospitality and Ginney Pruitt, handbook.

Newly-elected president Joan Cleven will have a busy schedule. Cleven, who was born in San Diego, spent three of her teen years in Honolulu, Hawaii where her father was a naval officer. He was later transferred to San Diego and there Cleven made a career of teaching traditional and special education students. She met her husband while in college. They were married just two months short of 58 years when her husband died.

Cleven has been a dedicated member of LCFOG for many years. She co-chaired its most recent event, the Book and Author Luncheon, and is currently gathering ideas for next year’s fundraiser. All proceeds from the October Book and Author Luncheon will be donated to Luskin Institute for Children (LOIC). Some members of LCFOG have worked on the Christmas Toy Party, making sure Santa had enough toys to distribute in Los Angeles and in Calexico where LOIC doctors travel to treat children.

The main goal of LCFOG is to raise funds so that children who are underinsured or have no insurance at all can still receive the best medical care by the best physicians. Care includes diagnosis, X-rays, casting, surgery and prosthesis, and follow-up when needed. LCFOG members Jeanne Long, Pruitt, Massimino and Pettit will be on hand to help the CHP members distribute toys to children who have completed their visit that day to the doctor.

LCFOG members welcome guests at their monthly meetings. All are invited to see what projects the Guild is taking on for the coming year. Those interested in making a difference in children’s lives should contact Jeanne Long at (818) 248-7822.



Submitted by Arlene MASSIMINO