Letter to the Editor

Cell Towers On CVWD Properties … Again!

At the April 11 board meeting of the Crescenta Valley Water District, board members approved revised policy and procedures to permit cellular site leases, specifically cell towers, on CVWD water tanks. CVWD has immediately begun marketing to telecommunication companies – at least one company has already expressed interest.

Concerned residents will have to keep an eye on CVWD board meeting agendas to see if a potential cellular site lease is up for approval by the board. Since the agenda is normally posted two days prior to a board meeting, this means the community will have only two days to find out about and respond to potential new cell towers in their neighborhood!

CVWD will not be responsible for public outreach – that will be the responsibility of the applying telecommunications company, which has sometimes been very lax about notifying the public! In fact, reading the revised policies and procedure, I see no requirement that the applying telecommunications company must notify the nearby community at all!

Marilyn Tyler
La Crescenta