‘Status Quo’ Must Change
Customers of Crescenta Valley Water District are being misled with the newest strategy to squeeze more revenue to keep the CVWD at a “status quo” operation.
At the last rate increase it was clearly outlined a three-year annual 8% increase supported ongoing infrastructure pipeline replacement: “This plan needs funding, and the board elected to present a three-year rate increase to support a commitment to long-term planning and infrastructure reliability.
“Following considerable discussion, the board elected to present a long-term PAYGO plan with the ramp-up option for infrastructure replacement and minimize the long-term costs to the district, and the proposed multi-year rate increase supports this long-term plan.”
Now CVWD and its board of directors want additional revenue to fund pipeline replacement. Something serious has gone wrong from a supported long-term plan to now requesting additional revenue. Several reasons are given such as increased costs (the usual) and a wet winter; customers haven’t been using enough water. Using this historic weather anomaly for a new tax into perpetuity is not being realistic.
Is CVWD singling out homeowners? In the CVWD Pipeline Replacement Draft Report dated April 13, I quote, “The mechanism promotes equity because the financial impact on the property owner who, on average, property owners have more ability to pay than tenants.” I don’t understand this statement and surmise that CVWD has a bias against homeowners over tenants for collecting revenue.
Can CVWD share with its customers what changed since we were told the previous rate increase would cover PAYGO infrastructures upgrades? Now we are being asked to pay a new tax into perpetuity buried into to our property taxes. If this tax is approved, it will be the fourth individual tax associated with water on our property tax bill.
The mindset that you want to maintain “status quo” must change. Your customer base can no longer afford business as usual.
Jonas Williams
La Crescenta