CV Boasts Positive Crime Stats

As summer approaches, Crescenta Valley Town Council is hard at work representing the community.

In the unincorporated area of La Crescenta and Montrose, law enforcement services are provided by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. The Crescenta Valley has some of the lowest crime rates in the area. Despite the overall trend of rising crime, there has been an overall decrease in crime in our community. Burglaries and thefts are down. In addition, traffic enforcement is a major priority in response to safety concerns and citations are up about 10% compared to last year. We are very thankful for their hard work in protecting the community.

The Land Use Committee (LUC) is following several very important issues that impact the community. The La Crescenta Motel property has been sitting vacant with an uncertain future for some time. On April 10, the LUC was notified by Los Angeles Regional Planning that the developer has indicated that s/he intend to submit plans for a new project on the property. There are no further details as nothing has been submitted. The LUC will be kept informed and the CVTC will continue to represent the community to every degree possible as details become apparent.

Every several decades the County updates its general plan. This reflects broad priorities and objectives that serve to guide future decisions and policy. Part of this update includes community engagement as planners determine the priorities of each community (in our case, the Crescenta Valley). All those interested in taking part can email and you will be notified when there is the opportunity to take part in the process.

The LUC is also reviewing new proposed residential design standards proposed by Regional Planning. Planners are preparing feedback and a recommendation to Council related to this.

Trash collection and hauling is provided by a third-party vendor in our community. This contract is awarded by the County every few years. The County is preparing to put this contract to bid very soon. Town Council will be hearing a presentation and report on this matter at the upcoming meeting and will offer feedback to ensure (to the degree possible) that the contract trash hauler meets the needs of our community.

Town Council interviewed several dozen applicants last month for our annual scholarship. From conducting these interviews, it’s clear that our community has so many talented, smart, motivated and community-minded young people. We will be announcing five winners in the next few weeks. Our scholarship program is a great example of how our community supports our youth as they move beyond high school onto the next chapter of their life.

Traffic safety continues to be a major ongoing concern in the community. As always, I would like to remind the community that safe driving starts with you. Please allow extra time, slow down, obey traffic laws and be courteous. The life you save may be your own or that of your neighbor.

Our next general meeting will be on May 18 at 7 p.m. and will be held at the La Crescenta Library, 2809 Foothill Blvd. We look forward to seeing everyone!

Chris Kilpatrick, President
CV Town Council