Forum Scheduled about Frances Avenue Facility


Residents near a business that will be opening in the 3000 block of Frances Avenue in La Crescenta are still very troubled about the nature of the business.

Residents and community members have been sharing their concerns about U Matter Luxury Resort on social media and at the monthly meeting of the Crescenta Valley Town Council (CVTC). They have also called elected officials. They may finally get answers at an upcoming in person meeting with County officials and the owner of U Matter Luxury Resort.

“The CVTC will be hosting a community forum on Nov. 1 at 5:30 p.m. in the La Crescenta Library Community Room (2809 Foothill Blvd). We have invited a representative from U Matter Luxury Resort and they have confirmed they will attend. There will also be a representative from the LA County departments that regulate such facilities [including the Office of Planning – LA County Dept. of Public Health and Los Angeles County Building and Safety]. We encourage all interested residents to attend,” stated President Chris Kilpatrick, CVTC.

The issue came to a loud crescendo at last month’s CVTC meeting when the standing room only crowd shared its displeasure, fears and issues about U Matter Luxury Resort. The topic was not on the CVTC agenda.

According to several residents, concerns began with a basic “bad neighbor attitude” from the owner of the business. Many residents at the meeting, as well as those who have reached out to CVW, have voiced their strong disappointment and anger that nothing was shared with them prior to the creation of the business in their neighborhood. They are also concerned about what they say are ongoing inconsistencies, including what they have seen on the company’s website – content that changes including what amenities the business offers and how many bedrooms will be available.

U Matter Luxury Resort, according to spokesperson Prescilla Cardenas, describes the facility is a “wellness center.” A tour of the facility reveals a high-end resort that is advertised as an “intense detox program” that includes a private chef and is similar to an all-natural European spa.

The issue for residents, especially those who live close to the facility, is what the term “spa” encompasses and how their privacy will be affected, as well as how their home’s real estate values may drop due to the nature of the business.

There have been phone calls to the office of Supervisor Kathryn Barger as well as the creation of a petition that boasts nearly 700 signatures; however, according to LA County Regional Planning, all permits have been approved and there have been no violations.

“I have confirmed that the services [U Matter Luxury Resort] plans to offer are considered appurtenant to the adult residential facility and would not constitute a medical facility, as long as they don’t open it up to walk-in guests. According to their website and a conversation with [their representatives], all their guests will be residents of the facility and walk-in guests (including visitors) will not be allowed,” stated Alex Garcia, assistant deputy director, LA County Land Use Regulation Division, in an email interview with CVW.

Regional Planning will continue monitoring the facility to ensure the business stays at six or fewer persons as guests at a time, the upper threshold of which is permitted within the zoning code.

One neighbor told CVW about a drone they witnessed flying over his backyard. He stated he saw the drone had a camera and this heightened his concern about privacy. He followed the drone back to the U Matter Luxury Resort – Frances Avenue facility and called Cardenas, who explained the drone was “a child’s toy” and had been operated by that child. However, due to the lack of transparency, the neighbor is still very concerned about his privacy.

Garcia added he spoke with Cardenas about the drone and related that [type of] action does not help relieve neighbors’ anxiety.

“I also informed her that we continue receiving complaints due to the inaccurate information in their website and lack of outreach,” he said. “She said she would make sure the website is modified to not list medical treatments and take out the video that advertises eight bedrooms.”

She also stated U Matter Luxury Resort is working on community outreach. To that extent, the CVTC, Supervisor Barger’s office and LA County departments involved in general permitting oversight, as well as representatives from U Matter Luxury Resort, are working together to schedule a public meeting that will address concerns.

Garcia added that he will personally monitor the business to make certain it is operating as an adult residential facility in compliance with the zoning code and take the appropriate enforcement actions if it is operating in violation of the zoning code.

The facility has yet to open.