Kiwanis International Cal-Nev-Ha District, Local Division 3 Installs 2023-24 Officers

Kiwanis Lt. Governor Division 3 Monica Sierra. Photo courtesy of Kiwanis Division 3

The Kiwanis International’s California-Nevada-Hawaii District (Cal-Nev-Ha) recently held its 2023-24 installation for the Division 3 lieutenant governor and officers. Officiating the installation was the Cal-Nev-Ha District Governor Carole Farris, who oversees the most populace Kiwanis District in the world, which includes Division 3. The ceremony at the Elks Lodge in Glendale also showcased the eight local Kiwanis Club presidents and leaders comprising Division 3 and boasted the newly branded tagline “Service is Sweet.”

Division 3 Officers Bob Praun, Alice Perez and Trish McRae. Photo courtesy of Jose SIERRA

With over 60 attendees, master of ceremonies Marko Swan kicked off the festivities with 2017-18 Lt. Governor Sam Engel Jr., conducting the “Star Spangled Banner,” joined by 2013-14 Lt. Governor Ron Baker leading the Pledge of Allegiance, with an inspiration recited by 2005-06 Lt. Governor Laurel Patric.

The 2023-24 Cal-Nev-Ha Division 3 leadership team includes Kiwanis Club of West Glendale Gateway, Division 3 Council Representative Sam Engel, Jr., Kiwanis Club of La Cañada President Joe Radabaugh; Kiwanis Club of the Verdugos President Miryam Finkelberg; Kiwanis Fil-Am Metro Los Angeles Club President Mauricio Lopez; Division 3 Lt. Governor Monica Sierra; Kiwanis Club of Glendale President Irma Villegas; and Kiwanis Club of Eagle Rock President Linda Allen. Photo courtesy of Bob PRAUN

The program featured 2022-23 Lt. Governor Cathy Keen, who gave shout-outs to her leadership team. A special gift from Division 3 club members for Keen’s exemplary service was presented by Kiwanis Club of La Cañada Immediate Past President Trish McRae with the 2023-24 Key Club officers and members introduced by 2023-24 Kiwanis Region 7 Advisor Patricia Larrigan.

Cal-Nev-Ha District Governor Carole Farris congratulates Kiwanis Club of Eagle Rock President Linda Allen who received the “Service With a Smile” award from Immediate Past Lt. Governor Cathy Keen. Looking on is Marko Swan.
Photo courtesy of Bob PRAUN

Gov. Farris installed the 2023-24 Division 3 officers: Lt. Monica Sierra, Lt. Governor-Elect Trish McRae, Treasurer Bob Praun and Secretary Alice Perez. As part of her acceptance speech, Lt. Governor Monica Sierra acknowledged her newly inducted officers and recognized the Division 3 presidents and representatives.

The 2023-24 Division 3 Club presidents are Kiwanis Club of Eagle Rock President Linda Allen; Kiwanis Fil-Am Metro Los Angeles Club President Mauricio Lopez; Kiwanis Club of Glendale President Irma Villegas; Kiwanis Club of Greater Highland Park President Heinrich Keifer; Kiwanis Club of La Cañada President Joe Radabaugh of La Cañada; Kiwanis Club of La Cañada-La Crescenta President Chris Ecker; Kiwanis Club of the Verdugos President Miryam Finkelberg; and Kiwanis Club of West Glendale Gateway President Wilbur Gin.

Enjoying the festivities are 2023-24 Cal-Nev-Ha Division 3 Lt. Governor Monica Sierra, with Cal-Nev-Ha District Governor Carole Farris, and Cal-Nev-Ha Division 3 Lt. Governor-Elect Trish McRae.
Photo courtesy of Alice PEREZ

The evening was filled with good cheer as attendees looked forward to the coming year, highlighted with service for youth and the community.

Any residents interested in learning more about the Kiwanis International Organization and want to locate a club in their vicinity, visit

Submitted by Alice PEREZ