Welcoming V.I.P. Trust Deed Company

Although V.I.P. has been in Glendale and serving the Foothills and the entire state of California since 1976, only real estate professionals know the magic we do.

V.I.P. makes real estate loans that banks don’t know how to do, don’t want to do or can’t do, within two-three weeks. Just a few examples: partial ownership of real estate, a loan on a building with fire damage, an empty building, a catfish farm in Merced, California, oil well land in Bakersfield, etc., etc.

V.I.P. makes loans on any type of real estate anywhere in California with only one exception. Although we do make loans on single family, one-four units, we only make those loans for true business purposes, not for consumer purposes.

The small V.I.P. group allows for usually same day resolution and most closings within two weeks of receiving borrower information and preliminary title report. Our record is funding within two hours without recording. Very unusual but a longtime client and V.I.P. had all the property information on hand.

Peter Rosenthal and Cameron Kessinger are the two broker partners along with Annette Grakasian, our 33-year-plus escrow officer and Cheryl McKeown, our VP of administration with 20-plus years of experience. Our staff is rounded out by Lucy Gazaryan, our payment support lady, providing nearly 17 years of great service. As you can see, we don’t “lose” staff and we definitely don’t lose our 20-30-plus year private lenders. It is that longtime staff, together with longtime lenders, that allows us to perform financing miracles.

Visit us at www.viploan.com and be sure to look at Peter’s 20-plus years of weekly newspaper columns (articles). Though Peter stopped writing these columns over 10 years ago he still authors a few columns in one of the big apartment magazines. If you do check out a few articles, take a look at “meet your banker” and “beat your lender” and definitely look up “uninsured transfers” if you own any real estate. If you want to read about miracles look at the Broker portion of testimonials. The website also offers a download of “The Basic Mechanics of Real Estate Finance,” which was a workbook that was sold many years ago as part of a similar Saturday class at Glendale Community College.