Weather in the Foothills


The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.

– Henry Van Dyke, American author and Clergyman

No “super moon” visible here, but spring’s ferocious beginning on Sunday certainly made up for it. The torrential rain was not the gentle “spring showers” one would expect for this time of year.   I would say, the old expression “raining cats and dogs” would be more accurate.  Strong winds also accompanied the storm- hold on to those cats and dogs!    Last week I questioned if the foothills would reach the 30-inch mark for our season’s rainfall total.  At 5:15 p.m. Sunday, it was accomplished, and as the week progresses even more is in the forecast.

As children we hear adults saying things that really don’t make sense, but just accept them, without too much question.  For example, – “Mommy its raining hard.” and she answers, “I know Susie; it’s raining cats and dogs!”  And I probably responded, “Cats and Dogs?”  And she reassured me, “Oh, it’s only an expression.”  Somehow the vision of animals falling from the sky was no small matter. Although an old expression, it is still commonly used. There are several explanations to its origin. The most noted one says that in olden times, homes had thatched roofs in which dogs and cats found shelter. In heavy rains the animals would be washed out and fall down onto the streets (like rain). The most favored origin is rooted in Norse mythology. It seems cats were thought, by sailors, to have influence over rain storms and dogs symbolic of the winds. Usage, of the saying, can  also be found in the writings of Jonathan  Swift in 1738- one of his stories mentions a traveler continuing a journey,…”though he was sure it would rain cats and dogs”.  Personally speaking on this topic, all I have to add is a wet Golden Retriever named Abby!

As you pick up your C.V. Weekly Thursday morning the foothills and mountains will have just received 1-2 more inches of rain to add to the season total of 32.05 inches. Don’t even bother to fold-up your umbrella, for another system is right behind the previous one. Yet again 1-2 more inches are expected by evening. The National Weather Service has just added one weaker system to arrive Saturday. Accompanying these storms will be breezy conditions and mountain snow. Temperatures will be below season average. By the first of the week dry weather is in the forecast and a warming trend. Looking ahead to the end of next week there once again is rain in the picture.

For those of us who love this weather it has been a great season. For the rest, well take a good look up at our mountains.  They are green -greener than I have ever seen them.  Nature is slowly healing our barren  hillsides and the Crescenta Valley’s beauty will once again be restored.

Sue Kilpatrick is a longtime CV resident and amateur weather watcher. Reach her at