Lions Club Event Discusses Fentanyl Use


The Crescenta Valley Lions Club is presenting “The Fentanyl Crisis: When Great Kids, Caring Parents and Model Schools Aren’t Enough to Prevent Tragedy.” The presentation will be made on Feb. 21 at St. Luke’s of the Mountains Episcopal Church’s Sadler Hall at 2563 Foothill Blvd. from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

“As we all know, fentanyl poisoning and substance abuse have reached crisis levels nationally – and are fast becoming serious threats to Crescenta Valley kids. It touches all families. Fighting it begins with information. The Crescenta Valley Lions Club hopes to help by presenting two speakers who know this problem from painful experience: Arick Gevorkian and Victoria Malone,” said Stephen Mack, president of the CV Lions Club.

Gevorkian’s son died due to a fentanyl overdose. He has channeled his pain, and the pain of his family, by helping spread the word of this dangerous drug through his program “Chronicles of a Parent.” He speaks at different organizations, churches and clubs.

Malone has had a similar calling after the overdose death of her son to fentanyl. She, along with her son’s friends, founded The Chace Taylor Malone Impact Foundation-LA. The organization creates a bridge between individuals who need help to end their abuse and families and friends who want to help.

The free event is open to the public and all are invited.