The Wait is Over


It’s taken five long years, including one pandemic, but CV Weekly is finally ready to present The Finest.

The Finest is a list chosen by our readers of who and what they think are the best in the Foothills … and beyond. In the magazine included with this week’s newspaper is a wealth of information on everything from The Finest cardiologist (Dr. Eric Lee) to The Finest bakery (Berolina Bakery & Pastry Shop). The magazine has a shelf life of one year and we know our readers will repeatedly visit its pages to learn who and what their neighbors think are the best in their field.

On the pages of The Finest you’ll get a chance to learn more about many of these people and businesses, too. This is especially helpful when unexpected events occur and you need to react quickly. For example, you need a caterer for an event you’re planning. The Finest can tell you who your neighbors think is The Finest (Gourmet A go go). Your stove goes on the fritz ­– who do you call? Fosters Appliance was a favorite.

The Finest is a reflection of the opinions of our readers and I’m proud that we’re able to give voice to our thousands of readers. Their opinions matter, after all, and are valuable.

Let me quickly outline for you the process of identifying The Finest.

Ballots are in the paper and online for about six weeks. Readers fill them out and submit them to the office of CV Weekly. Because there are thousands of entries, additional staff is hired to do the tallying. Once the tallying is over, sales staff goes to the winners to let them know they’ve been named as The Finest in their category. Many of the winners end up on the pages of The Finest magazine, giving you the chance to learn more about them. Finally, a celebratory party is held for the winners to acknowledge their hard work.

During COVID I didn’t think it fair to publish The Finest since so many businesses were closed. I wanted to wait until the pandemic was totally over before launching the project – and 2024 was the year.

I’m proud of The Finest and of everyone here at CV Weekly who pulled it together. As you can see there are many “moving parts” to creating this magazine and without their focus it couldn’t happen.

But after all – they make up The Finest newspaper staff.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta Valley Weekly. She can be
reached at
or (818) 248-2740.