Glendale Latino Association Named a 2024 California Non-profit of the Year

GLA officers and board members were busy behind the scenes at the 2024 Annual Scholarship Awards Breakfast. VIPs include (first row from left) Treasurer Miryam Finkleberg and President Anita Quinonez Gabrielian (hand on shoulder). Back row from left are former Glendale Mayor Frank Quintero and GLA President Elect Guillermo Garcia.
Photos by Ruth SOWBY



The Glendale Latino Association (GLA) is one of 117 non-profits acknowledged this year by Assemblymember Laura Friedman of the 44th Assembly District.

“This honor recognizes [GLA’s] outstanding commitment to educational excellence and community improvement for Latinos in Glendale and beyond,” said Friedman. 

Founded in 1990, GLA’s mission is dedicated to “promoting educational excellence, civic engagement and activities that enrich the lives of Latinos in the community.”  

“Annual scholarships support Latino students who excel academically and demonstrate extraordinary citizenship,” said GLA President Anita Quinonez Gabrielian.    

Fulfilling its mission, GLA held its annual scholarship breakfast on June 20. Early birds arrived at Glendale’s Glen Arden Club before 8 a.m. Minutes later, a scrambled egg breakfast with all the trimmings was served. The program moved quickly after that.  

GLA president elect and current secretary Guillermo Garcia holds up photos of 2023 GLA scholarship winners.

In total, 23 students from CVHS, Hoover High School, St. Monica Academy and Glendale Community College received $30,000 in funds. That’s the largest amount of scholarship money ever awarded by GLA. CVHS had 16 scholarship winners, the largest number of scholarship recipients. Another “largest” was the attendance – 160 supporters were in attendance, representing the highest number of attendees at any of the annual breakfasts.  

CVHS deserved another shout-out since one of the keynote speakers, Sarah Benitez, is an alumna of CVHS and a past recipient of a GLA scholarship. Proud mother, Christine Benitez, is the principal of CVHS.

Proceeds will benefit the GLA Scholarship Fund. Scholarships are awarded every year.