Paul Carafotes, author of the children’s book series Charlie Bubbles, has created a non-profit Charlie Bubbles Cares For Kids! The non-profit raises funds to deliver the Charlie Bubbles storybooks at no cost to hospitals, schools and homeless children. Over 1500 books have been given to elementary schools, preschools and hospitals. According to Carafotes, the books are filled with adventures and fuel the imagination with family values and exemplify empathy and kindness.
Over the last few years, Charlie Bubbles books have been delivered twice a year to the Verdugo Hills Hospital pediatrics facility. Recently, Carafotes visited the hospital and gave 50 books to the facility.
Carafotes’ son Charlie, who was the inspiration for the series, recently created “Charlie Bubbles, Zena The Great!” Charlie will be attending CV High School as a senior this year and playing on the varsity baseball team.