A New Year

We’re ringing in a new year here at Crescenta Valley Weekly. Unlike the rest of the world, our new year doesn’t begin on Jan. 1 but on Sept. 3. I started the paper back in 2009 and the first CV Weekly was distributed on Sept. 4, 2009. That was the only time the paper was distributed on a Friday but, due to the Station Fire, many of our distribution points were inaccessible on Thursday, Sept. 3 and we had to wait a day. In addition to Sept. 4, 2009 being the only Friday that the paper was distributed, it is the only CV Weekly paper that has ever had a photo-prominent cover. (I still have about 10 copies available of that first issue; stop by the office and we’ll give you one.)

Mary O’Keefe, Charly Shelton and I are the only ones from those early days who remain part of the CV Weekly staff. Over the years, we’ve had several office managers, writers, photographers and delivery people who were part of CV Weekly. I had a chance to look over some of the names of our previous workers and I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t even recognize some of their names! Yet each one contributed to the success of this community newspaper.

In preparation of the launch of the newspaper I knew I had two choices: either make a “big deal” of its upcoming launch to generate a buzz, an excitement, of its coming; however, the downside of that theory was other papers could pay more attention to our area and make the CV Weekly less relevant. The other choice was to keep my mouth shut (not an easy thing to do!) and not “alert” anyone of my plans. I chose option 2.

On Sept. 4 the first issues of the paper landed in the driveways of local residents. Most were surprised to find the CV Weekly staring up at them when they headed out!

Over time I reduced the number of “free” papers I delivered, then withdrew free delivery altogether although people had the chance to have the paper delivered to them weekly for a subscription fee. From day one, people were signing up for home subscriptions (thanks, Jerry and Mary, for being my first subscribers!). As time went on and the number of subscribers and advertisers increased I was assured that this venture wasn’t just “my dream” but an important part of the Crescenta Valley … and Glendale, Sparr Heights and even Toluca Lake! I’m reminded (and pleased) when I think of a comment by State Senator Anthony Portantino’s district representative Declan Floyd: “If it isn’t in CV Weekly, then it didn’t happen!”

As we enter our 16th year, I want to thank my designers, sales people, writers, photographers, proof reader and office manager for their hard work. They make the CV Weekly the incredible paper it is.

Robin Goldsworthy is the publisher of the Crescenta Valley Weekly.
She can be reached at or (818) 248-2740.