A Not So Traditional MORP Dance


Crescenta Valley High School’s Associated Student Body took an old tradition and turned it on it head. A few weeks ago ASB sponsored MORP, opposite of Prom.

“Raleigh Nejame [ASB president] and I had heard of other schools that had this [dance],” said Irene Park, member of ASB.

Members of ASB had gone to a leadership camp where students from other schools shared their fundraising techniques.

The CVHS students tweaked the MORP just enough to make it their own.

“Some of the other schools had the dance as a winter formal. We wanted ours to be based on academics, “ said Madison White, ASB member.

Teachers were asked to nominate an extraordinary student from subjects like math and English.

“We asked them to nominate well rounded students,” Park added.

The dance was promoted by ASB with a lot of posters all over the school and afternoon performances by different Crescenta Valley High School DJ’s. The DJ’s were part of a competition during the week of MORP.  The winner was Bring The Noise DJ Group.

Girls asked boys to MORP, in a Sadie Hawkins fashion. The Queen and King Court was chosen through academics.

“We had an English and Math court,” Park added.

Another twist had the dance at the gym instead of some expensive venue and dress was casual. About 200 students attended the dance.

Part of the proceeds from the dance went to the victims of the earthquake/tsunami in Japan.

“We raised $1000 for Japan,” White said.

The dance was by all accounts a success and White and Park hope there will be MORP next year.

“We hope this becomes a tradition,” Park said.