Weather In the Foothills


Spring brings with it an energy that awakens all the senses. Nature begins its yearly rebirth as new life emerges. In addition, two religious holidays celebrate joyous events at this time of year. Christians around the world recognize the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Day and Passover is observed by Jewish people to commemorate the Hebrew’s exodus from slavery in Egypt. Ancient cultures around the Mediterranean and Northern Europe worshipped the Goddess Eastre (origin of Easter), as she represented fertility and nature. The word Eastre was derived from old word for spring. A time of transition between winter and summer – the days slowly change from cold and dark to warm and light. As we can attest to by our own weather in the Foothills, this change is not always a smooth one.

Last weekend and into the first of this week, in a 48 hour period the weather shifted from hot – the 90s – with clear skies to cold – the 60s – with foggy, drizzling skies. Each year when this occurs you will hear people remark about “the strange weather we’re having.” Don’t even try to disagree with them; it is quite pointless and a waste of time. You just have to consider it to be a good subject of conversation and agree. Actually, and you really may disagree (and it’s OK), this spring has been pretty average, from the meteorology standpoint. Average can be very spectacular. I enjoy going out into our yard to see what is going on. This is a busy time in the garden and I was happy to be just an observer. It would take an ornithologist to identify all the birds enjoying the blooming roses (aphids included) and three bird baths. Abby, our ever-faithful Golden Retriever, is working 24/7 to protect us from all these wild animals – squirrels, raccoons, possums and lizards included. No time to play! Poor pup …

Weather-wise, what can we expect?  So far this week a deep marine layer has kept the skies mostly cloudy with damp, cool mornings and mild, clearer afternoons.  Temperatures have been in the mid-60s during the day and 50 at night. This weekend will bring a change as a weak ridge of high pressure builds, creating clearer and warmer conditions. Moving ahead to next week, we likely will be approaching the 80s again.

Showers are expected for the next few nights. No umbrella necessary, for it’s the annual Lyrid meteor shower! Springtime is a time of wonder…

Happy  Easter ~  Happy Passover ~  Happy Spring

Sue Kilpatrick is a longtime CV resident and amateur weather watcher. Official Skywarn Spotter for the National Weather Service. Reach her at