Taking Time to Reset

From the desk of the publisher Robin Goldsworthy

I know that I’m preaching to many in the choir when I say I’m weary of information overload. The TV and radio – I still listen to “free” AM and FM stations – of course are constantly blasting info at sometimes lightening speed. On a recent Saturday evening my 22-year-old son and I were watching a TV commercial and afterward I turned to him and asked what exactly that was about. I really didn’t understand what the whole concept was. I don’t know – maybe I’m getting old.

And if we thought that “snail mail” was overwhelming, we were ill-prepared for e-mail.

I don’t know if it’s being a publisher of a newspaper or if everyone experiences a deluge of email that almost makes me cringe when I fire up my computer.

Don’t get me wrong – I love to hear from our readers and others in the community. Unfortunately, I have to wade through so much non-relevant information to get to that “good” stuff.

After church recently, I was feeling a bit battered so I headed over to The T Room on Honolulu Avenue.

I was fortunate that The T Room was relatively quiet – Saturdays and Sundays are usually filled with baby and bridal showers – and I tucked myself into a corner table.

Once settled I sipped a full-bodied vanilla coconut tea that immediately calmed my nerves.

I spent the next hour enjoying high tea – sandwiches, scone, fruit – and feeling my internal clock resetting.

The gals at the T Room are true gems and I feel fortunate they’re here.

Whatever it takes to reset your clock, I hope you indulge.

And if you’re unsure of what it will take, I suggest The T Room on Honolulu. I guarantee that you’ll leave full in stomach and refreshed in spirit.

And with the calendar filling up, resetting one’s inner clock is necessary to be prepared for all the activities.

Last weekend was the Hometown Country Fair held at Crescenta Valley Park. I got there late – 8:15 a.m. – and found many of my fellow CV Chamber of Commerce directors already hard at work setting up the car show, directing vendors as to where to set up their pop up tents and starting to cook. I played triple duty, migrating between the Crescenta Valley Weekly tent, the Prom Plus tent and the Chamber’s silent auction tent.

If the items donated for the auction are any indication, we have one generous community. A variety of prized things were available to be bid on – a fixed wing flight, a bottle of limited edition wine from local vintner Tim MacDonald and a movie poster of Despicable Me were just some of the things folks had the chance to claim. I myself won the coveted bun warmer bench. Yes, it’s an electric bench that you plug in to warm your derriere. I thought it would be marvelous by the pool after you get out to sit on it bundled up in a towel, warming up. However, Craig Fisher (of Craig’s Electric) pointed out that might not be the “brightest” idea (a little electric humor) reminding me that water and electricity don’t mix. So the bench will warm our buns as we sit outside on cool summer evenings enjoying the starlit night.

Other highlights of the fair were the dog parade, a definite favorite of attendees, along with the car show that featured 26 local vintage and classic cars.

Moving forward, after this Sunday’s Easter celebration and dinner comes one of my foothill favorite events: the CVHS Prom Plus Taste of Montrose.

This culinary marvel takes place on Sunday, May 1 in conjunction with the annual Wags N Whiskers and Kids N Kritters and Harvest Market along Honolulu Avenue. Over 25 restaurants have already signed up.

Hark – is that my stomach grumbling?

See you then!