
ARIES March 21 – April 19

Venus glides into Libra this week, which is perfect for negotiation and romance. If there have been any issues this is the time to talk them over. Mars moves into your love affairs zone and into the sign of Leo, which brings you an opportunity to tap into your creative power. If you feel moved to let those creative juices flow, go with it. On Friday there is a New Moon in your relationship zone, which is perfect for new beginnings in this area.

TAURUS April 20 -May 20

An aspect with Saturn on Monday makes this a very constructive day in which you will be able to knuckle down and get a lot of things done. Jupiter will also turn direct in your career zone, so if you feel you have been working hard and aren’t seeing any results yet, you will soon. There is a New Moon on Saturday night, which you can use to kick-start new projects, find a new job, or get moving on your health routines!

GEMINI May 21 -June 20

If you have written a book or been busy contacting publishers with your ideas, you should hear some good news soon enough. Travelling will also be fun as Jupiter turns direct. Venus will move into your love affairs zone on Wednesday, making this a very romantic time. A New Moon in Libra on Saturday night gives you an even better opportunity to begin a new relationship. This time it should blossom into something beautiful. Have the courage to make the first move.

CANCER June 21 -July 22

Lucky Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius and your money zone this week. All your hard work should pay off as your savings and investments bring a greater return your way. It is also a much better time to request a loan or mortgage. Venus moves into Libra, so if you feel your place needs some brightening up, use this chance to let your imagination out to play. The New Moon in Libra on Saturday is great for moving your home or buying and selling property.

LEO July23 – August 22

There may be a temporary cash flow crisis on Tuesday, but it really is minor – don’t worry. Plan ahead for this and have some spare money with you, just in case. Venus then moves into Libra on Wednesday, encouraging you to reach out and connect with friends and family. If you have had issues with anyone, now is the time to negotiate. The New Moon in Libra on Saturday night is excellent for starting an advertising campaign or launching a website.

VIRGO August 23 -Sept.22

Jupiter turns direct on Monday, which is good news if you have been hoping for some positive changes at work. Any symptoms that have troubled you will soon be resolved. As Venus moves into your personal financial zone on Wednesday, you may want to splash out on a few luxury items – enjoy! A New Moon in Libra on Saturday night brings you the perfect chance for purchasing big-ticket items, changing your accounting system, or taking your financial planning to a new level.

LIBRA Sept. 23 -Oct 22

People around you appreciate your point of view and love the way you handle your issues. Jupiter turns direct in your love affairs zone, which is perfect for budding love relationships. If you feel that your luck in this area had deserted you, all of that is about to change. There is also going to be a New Moon in your sign late this week. It’s the best time of the year for you. Use this wonderful opportunity to make changes in any area of life you choose.

SCORPIO Oct. 23 -Nov. 21

Venus squares Pluto on Thursday, so you may have some very passionate ideas about a certain love relationship. If you find yourself getting obsessed, this might be something you want to nip in the bud as it could turn out to be your downfall in the long-term. A New Moon in Libra makes this a good week for starting a new spiritual discipline or for planting the seeds of your desires into the fertile soil of your subconscious mind.

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 -Dec. 21

Monday and Tuesday may bring the chance of a lucrative deal. Venus then moves into Libra, which is excellent for networking and generally enjoying life. You may find that you pick up more business by mixing and mingling and generally having a laugh, than you will by working flat out at the office. A New Moon in Libra on Saturday night gives you a two-week window of opportunity that is perfect for teaming up with like-minded folk to achieve something really outstanding.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22 -Jan.19

Try not to be too manipulative on Thursday when Venus squares Pluto. Be willing to consider other points of view if you want to be successful. Jupiter turns direct in your personal financial zone, which means you are about to reap a handsome reward for all your work. Make money with an Internet business if this appeals to you. A New Moon in Libra on Saturday night brings a two-week window of opportunity, perfect for starting a new job or major project.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20 -Feb.18

Jupiter will turn direct in your sign this week, which will bring more opportunities and lucky accidents your way. Watch out for those coincidences that may lead to an interesting opportunity. Mars moves into your opposite sign of Leo on Friday, which is going to stir up relationship issues. If there are any problems that have been pushed to one side, they are going to come out into the open, and this will be your chance to clear the air.

PISCES Feb. 19 -March 20

Venus moves into Libra on Wednesday, so it’s time for you to balance your accounts and ask your bank manager for a loan or additional overdraft protection. You may be lucky. Jupiter turns direct in your spiritual zone, which may put you more deeply in touch with your intuition and sixth sense. Mars moves into your health zone on Friday, and this extra burst of energy may encourage you to get started on that diet or to begin exercising once again.