Ogurek Recognized for Years of Service

At right, Capt. Dave Silversparre, left, of the CV Sheriff’s Station congratulates Sgt. Gary Ogurek on 35 years of service to the citizens of Los Angeles County.

Capt. Dave Silversparre of the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station congratulated Sgt. Gary Ogurek for completing 35 years of service to the citizens of Los Angeles County. Sgt. Ogurek has had a full career that includes serving as an intern at Lakewood and Carson stations; a service assistant at Sheriff’s Automotive at the Firestone and Lynwood stations, Advanced Officer Training, and Special Enforcement Bureau; as a deputy at Biscailuz Center at the Lakewood, Pico Rivera, East Los Angeles and Crescenta Valley stations and Advanced Officer Training; and as a sergeant at Men’s Central Jail and Crescenta Valley Station. Previously he was a reserve deputy at Carson and Norwalk stations before becoming a deputy.

In a ceremony with other employees celebrating tenure with the County of Los Angeles, Sheriff Leroy Baca personally congratulated Sgt. Ogurek on his outstanding accomplishment and commitment.

A clock with the seal of the County of Los Angeles was also presented to him.

Capt. Silversparre said, “Sgt. Orguek continues to serve the people of the Crescenta Valley Station area in an outstanding manner as a field sergeant with no immediate plans for retirement.”