An Honor 100 years in the Making

Photo provided by LCWS
Woman’s Club President Carol Huntwork helps hold the new plaque as it dries on the boulder outside Crescenta Valley High School with CVTC Arbor Day co-chairman Dennis van Bremen. Club member Gloria Lee is at right. In back are two public works employees who brought the boulder. With them are (from left) club members Danette Erickson, Rita Even and Carol Benedetti with CV Town Council Arbor Day co-chairman Todd Thornbury.


As kids walk onto the campus of Crescenta Valley High School this year, they will pass a memorial that commemorates a club that has supported the La Crescenta community for 100 years.

Members of the La Crescenta Woman’s Club joined Crescenta Valley Town Council and CV Chamber of Commerce members recently as a large boulder was installed near the sidewalk in front of the school’s library. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works supplied the boulder that was taken from the CV area. Public works then affixed a plaque that honors the club on the boulder.

The installation of the boulder/plaque honoring the club is in addition to a tree that was planted near the library earlier. The tree planting went hand-in-hand with the club being honored during this year’s Arbor Day event at Two Strike Park in March.

“This continues our effort in supporting the school, like we have done for years,” said Carol Huntwork, president of La Crescenta Woman’s Club.

The La Crescenta Woman’s Club was founded in 1911 and incorporated in 1924. Their official objectives was “advancement in all lines of general culture, promotion of the general welfare of the community and philanthropy work,” according to the La Crescenta Woman’s website.

Their community work was tied to schools from the very beginning with one of their first projects to make improvements to La Crescenta School, now La Crescenta Elementary School.

Through the years the club has seen the area change and has weathered fires and floods. They were there to offer aid during the 1925 Big Tujunga Fire, and after the great flood of 1934.

The La Crescenta Woman’s Club invites anyone who is interested in joining the organization to contact them. They have several functions throughout the year including a popular fashion show.

The club has three sections: junior, day and evening section. They all work together to support the community. The day and evening club meetings are the second Wednesday of every month from October to June.

There are no criteria – members do not have to live in La Crescenta to join, Huntwork said.

On Saturday the club is having a wine tasting fundraiser at the Wine Cave at 7 p.m.  Entrance is $20 per person. For reservations or information contact Dawn Berger at (818) 389-4719.

For those interested in joining the La Crescenta Woman’s Club contact Dea McCory at (818) 368-9393 or Cindy Charles at (818) 389-2266.