Briggs Terrace Getting Cleaned Up

Photos by Mary O’KEEFE
At last year’s clean up a Gothic Landscape crewmember helped load brush. Gothic donated a crew to assist residents for the day.


Two years ago, before the Station Fire, members of the newly formed Crescenta Valley Fire Safe Council warned residents of what would happen if the dry vegetation surrounding the community would catch fire. Then the hillsides did catch fire and, although the Station Fire cleaned the mountains of most of the dried brush, abatement is still necessary to avoid or at least control, any future fires.

This Saturday, the council, residents and volunteers will put on their work gloves, grab their shovels and help clear brush from homes in Briggs Terrace.

“We are looking at multiple homes,” said Judy Turner, chair for the clean-up day. Several homes have already contacted the fire council asking for help. A couple of homes are occupied by the elderly who can no longer clear the brush themselves.

“[Residents] of Briggs Terrace contacted the Fire Safe Council concerned about only one exit from the area, the density of homes and the urban canopies,” Turner said. She added that a primary concern is how embers can travel during a wind blown fire. Embers from a fire can travel sometimes for miles and if they land on debris can ignite and spread fire quickly.

The council had a meeting and from there developed a plan to clean homes that had the heaviest canopy.

In 2010, Roger Young, CV Fire Safe Council president gave residents tips on preventing ember ingress into thier homes. LA County Fire Forester J. Lopez listened in.

Last year the Fire Safe Council concentrated their efforts on cleaning the Canyonside area. They pulled weeds, cut trees and cleared dry vegetation. Neighbors worked together to clear the area.

By cleaning a few yards, the entire neighborhood will be safer. This time Allied Waste has donated a large bin to collect the debris.

The CV Fire Safe Council is still looking for more volunteers to help in the clean up. For those interested, contact Turner at (818) 957-0387.